Earlier this year I shared this post, which outlined my plans for managing my two blogs, my new mommy channel on YouTube, and how big of an impact doing something, just once-a-week, can have on your life and business.
Then, in the video below, I shared how I manage my life as a work-at-home, what my schedule is like, and some helpful tips for other work-at-home moms (or aspiring work-at-home-moms), of babies and toddlers.
Then the unthinkable happened.
I got really sick!!
Okay, so maybe it’s not so “unthinkable”.
I found out that I was pregnant with baby #2!
Exciting? YES!!
(You can watch my pregnancy announcement video here.)
As excited as I was, and still am about being pregnant, boy did it throw a wrench in my daily schedule, and plans for my blog, biz, YouTube channels, etc. for this year.
I went from working during my daughter’s naps, and through the wee hours of the night, while everyone else slept, to sleeping during my daughter’s naps, and through the night as well. This wasn’t really by choice. It was more of a, “if I don’t get some sleep, I’m not going to make it through the day” type of situation. My body was speaking loud and clear, and I had to listen.
My First Trimester With Baby #2
Throughout my entire first trimester, I was very sick and exhausted all the time (morning sickness should be called “All Day and All Night Sickness”), so it was a very rough and unexpected transition. My first trimester of pregnancy with my daughter Zuri, was completely different. I was never sick, and although I felt tired a lot of the time, it wasn’t a big deal. I would go to work/work from home, and then just go to sleep when I needed to, because I wasn’t taking care of anyone but myself at the time. Oh how things change with baby number 2!!
I’m currently in my second trimester, and at almost 18 weeks pregnant, I’m doing much better (thank God)! Although I am still tired, I’m definitely not experiencing the extreme fatigue and sickness that I dealt with for the first three months of my pregnancy. I haven’t quite gotten back to working at the level that I was working at prior to getting pregnant just yet. But that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make, for my personal health, the health of our growing baby, and the well-being of my toddler.
Whether you work outside the home, work at home, or stay at home to take care of your child/children, none of us have it easy. The one thing we all have in common is, we all want what’s best for our children, and aim to do our best every day. What works for me, may not work for you, but we’re all on this journey of motherhood together, to create the best possible life we can for our children.
But the struggle is real.
Yesterday, at The MOMS Mother’s Day Mamarazzi® Celebration, and recording of their SiriusXM radio show, I had the pleasure of hearing the stories of other successful, working moms, and it was very inspiring!
A Reality Check For All Moms
No matter what your situation is, every mom struggles with mom guilt about what you’re doing, not doing, could be doing, and should be doing. We all tend to question ourselves every day, wondering, “Am I doing the right thing? Am I really doing what’s best for my family?” You have your good days, and your bad days.
All in all, I think we just need to give ourselves a break! Trust God, and trust yourself, knowing that at any given moment, you’re doing the best you can. Sometimes you will shine, and sometimes you will glimmer. But the point is, you’re there for your children, you love them, and they know that.
I’ve definitely struggled with making such a major career shift recently, to being more mommy, and less working mommy. As we prepare for baby number two to come into the world, I wonder every day, “How am I going to do this?”. My career is very important to me, and I feel like there’s so much more I want to do, but at the same time, my children are more important to me than anything. So slowing down for a bit, albeit painful at times, is definitely worth the sacrifice, because this is a time in their lives that I will never be able to get back. This time is helping me to focus on what really matters, and be even more selective about the types of projects I do choose to work on, because I simply don’t have time or energy to waste.
I remind myself every day to enjoy this time, live in the moment, celebrate it, and realize that it’s all temporary. Before I know it, my little babies will be off to school, and that will open up a whole new world of opportunity for me. But this time, right here, and right now, is precious, and I am blessed to have the opportunity to be Zuri’s mom, and a mom-to-be to baby number two, and that is more than enough.
This lifestyle is definitely a major change, but I am trusting God, and resting in Him, knowing that all things work together for good for those that love Him, and that everything is temporary, so I might as well enjoy where I am now, because it won’t last forever.
I must say that, I have peace. I have peace because I trust God. I have peace because I am resting in Him. I am not trying to force anything. I have peace because I know that where I am, is exactly where I’m supposed to be.
Life is good.
What has your experience been like as a mom? How do you make it all work?
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