If you’d like to learn more about how to grow a profitable brand online using videos, CLICK HERE (or on the photo below), to take my online video master class,
“How To SHINE Like A Pro In Your Online Videos”

Learn how to look and sound professional, eloquent, energetic, yet naturally you, in your online videos!
If you’d like to learn more about how to grow a profitable online brand through Instagram (and not just gain random followers), CLICK HERE (or on the photo below) to purchase my,
“Dancer’s Guide To Instagram”
If you want access to FREE online video marketing and mastery training, resources, live classes, and a supportive community, CLICK HERE (or on the photo below) to join “The SHINE Collective” Facebook Group today!
“The SHINE Collective Facebook Group”
If you want to learn how to use Instagram stories to make powerful videos for your brand, that will lead to more customers, clients, and income for your brand, sign up for my FREE, 7-Day Instagram Stories Video Challenge HERE!
FREE, 7-Day Instagram Stories Video Challenge

Learn How To Build A Profitable Brand On Instagram and Stand Out From Your Competitors With Instagram Stories!
“I am here to inspire, encourage, and motivate others to discover their unique purpose and greatness, while sharing the love of Jesus Christ.” ~ Ashani Mfuko
What people are saying…
You have rocked my social media and marketing world! I feel like I have all the control now. That scheduler on FB is crazy, I’m obsessed and I was shocked how many fun things I could come up with! This is great and will totally help me compartmentalize my day better.
Thank you for the inspiration and taking the time to teach me a whole new FUN world of online promoting and storytelling.”
~ Samantha Gobeille
Director/Owner, Arizona Dance Artistry Dance Studio
“Out of all you do for everyone I wanted to stop and say a word or two to YOU. I want to thank you for your heart of service toward people. Your transparency, wisdom and how you share w/so many FREELY. You are an awesome woman with so many personal and professional hats. So today I take a moment and celebrate YOU! I am excited to see your “Next”! We haven’t a clue what God is going to do…;-)” ~ LaShanna Leonard
“You are absolutely correct about Ashani! She’s the BEST! I Thank God for her spirit, & her inspiration to help & Bless others. There are still AMAZING people in the World…I’m so happy I had the opportunity to have her in my Life!!” ~ Germaine Goodson
“Feeling deflated: think I need a date w/ my Finance Your Dance: How To Turn Your Passion Into Profit textbook for inspiration.” ~ Sarah Jean Kaye
“I have no doubt that it’s your open, genuine, giving personality that allows you to be so successful at social media marketing. People who are, find it easy and natural. People who are scared to come out from behind a logo and broadcast marketing, will find it very difficult, I think. Kudos to you for helping dance studio owners to achieve the success that you have.” ~ Jenise Fryatt