If you follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, then you already know that I was admitted to the hospital this past week. But you may not know the details of why I’m currently in the hospital, or what happened. So I wanted to share my experience with you today, and let you know what’s really going on.
On Wednesday morning around 7 am, my water broke. I am only 26 weeks pregnant. So its really too early to give birth. I’m about 11 weeks away from full-term pregnancy. My hubby Fredy, my 19-month old daughter Zuri, and I went to the hospital immediately, and after seeing the doctor, I was admitted to the hospital. Our baby girl is fine, healthy, has a strong heartbeat, and everything. I feel fine as well, perfectly normal actually.
When this happens, they monitor you closely over the next 24 hours, because its possible that you can go into early labor. Thank God that I did not go into early labor, and therefore was able to be moved up to the anti-partum unit of the hospital, where I will have to stay until she is born. In these situations, they will induce labor at 34 weeks. So I will be in the hospital for the next two months. And when the baby is born, hopefully at 34 weeks, there’s a good chance that she will have to be in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) for a few weeks. At this point, the goal is to keep me pregnant, and the baby inside of me, for as long as possible, for her optimal health and safety. So far, she is very active, happy, and comfy in my belly, so we feel strongly that she will stay that way. She has a very strong heartbeat, and is doing great!
I would say that the hardest part of all of this so far has been being away from my daughter, and not being able to take care of her every day, like I normally do. That’s been the most challenging part out of everything. But I am blessed to have an incredible husband, who is a wonderful father to our daughter! Plus, our family and close friends are just truly some of the most amazing, loving, supportive people a girl could ever ask for. So they are all helping to make this transition and challenging experience, much more manageable.
Thankfully too, hubby brings Zuri to the hospital for long visits with mommy every day, which she seems to be enjoying a lot, so that makes me very happy!
Fredy and I will definitely need your help, support, encouragement, and lots of prayer! I don’t understand why all of this is happening in this way, at this time, but I trust God, and I know that He is faithful. I am staying positive, because I know things could be so much worse.
A photo posted by Ashani Mfuko (@ashanimfukodance) on
Blessings In Disguise
We were supposed to be flying out to Florida on Thursday morning for vacation, and then to the Bahamas in 2 weeks for another vacation, none of which will be happening now, of course. I thank God that this didn’t happen while we were in another state or country. To God be the glory!
The truth is, I need to rest and be taken care of during the last months of my pregnancy, and this is probably the only way that that would’ve happened. Had I been home with my daughter every day, and doing my normal routine, I certainly wouldn’t have given my body the rest and care that it truly needs for this pregnancy.
I’m getting ready to start a FANTASTIC new consulting gig, as the Social Media Strategist and Digital Marketing Specialist, for the world-famous, iconic dancewear brand, Bloch Dance USA! What a blessing that I will be able to do the work that I love, from the hospital, and not have any distractions. Focusing on such an exciting, major project will definitely help to keep me sane while I’m in here, and it’s safe for me to do, since I’m on bed rest. My doctors and nurses think that it’s fantastic that I’ll be able to work from my hospital bed, and stay sharp, energized, and connected to my normal, professional life, in such a great way. Yay for wi-fi, and my Macbook Pro! God is good!!
It feels great to be in a position and in a place where I will be able to meditate more, and really listen to, and hear what God is saying to me during this time. That is going to be priceless, and I look forward to the spiritual growth and maturity that I will experience during this time.
I’m thanking God in advance for using me to help other people (like me) in the hospital, who need encouragement, need to experience the love of Jesus Christ, and the faithfulness and joy that God brings into your life. I feel fortunate to be used by God to be a blessing to others while I’m here at the hospital. I pray that His light will shine in and through me, to help uplift and encourage the other patients here, as well as my doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff.
By the way, with this beautiful, happy, smiling face in my life, every day is a great day!!
A photo posted by Ashani Mfuko (@ashanimfukodance) on
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