“If you don’t have a crystal clear vision of where you want to go and the ability to express it, you’ll never get to where you want to be.” ~ Barbara Corcoran
Renew. Refresh. Reset.
Learn how to build an online brand that pays, in only 4 weeks!
It’s time to whip your online brand into shape!
Get full access to my 4 video master classes, which make up my online branding bootcamp today!
This online branding bootcamp is your opportunity to work with me to help catapult your online brand, social media strategy, and online video presence, to new heights!
This 4-week, video master class series is for you if:
You’d like to set up your online brand in a way that allows you to get paid in your sleep, and earn money 24/7 (don’t you just love those Paypal notifications?)!
You’d like to be known as a top expert and authority in your field.
You want to learn how to monetize your fans and followers on social media, and maximize the value of the time you spend on social media.
You want to learn more about how you can build an online brand that earns you money based on your value and expertise, not an hourly, or per/project pay rate.
You want to expand the reach of your online brand, to get more clients, customers, and opportunities, on an international level.
If you said, “Yes, that’s me!” to any one of the above statements, then my video master class series is for YOU!
You’ve got the skills. You’ve got the talent. You have the experience. The knowledge is there! But what’s missing? You need a social media marketing and branding STRATEGY!
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Without a specific social media marketing and branding strategy in place, all of the time that you spend on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube is essentially a waste of time.
If you could use social media to build a powerful and profitable online brand, and create a lifestyle that allows you freedom of time, financial freedom, more time to create your art, travel, and earn money 24/7, from anywhere in the world, why wouldn’t you?
Millions of people are living out their life’s purpose, making a difference, and making tons of money online, through social media, but there is a method to the madness. You have to know HOW to do it!
That’s where I come in!
Let me ask you:
Have you been active on social media for a while, but come to a point where you know it’s time revamp the look and feel of your online brand, and create a new, more up-to-date and professional online presence for your brand?
Are you tired of reaching the same people on social media, and getting frustrated with the lack of engagement and growth you’re getting on social media?
Do you know in your heart that there are many people out there who would benefit from your art, your skills, your classes, your products, services, and knowledge, but you’re just not sure of the best way to reach them online?
If you answered YES to any of ONE these questions, then my video master class series is DEFINITELY for YOU!

Discover and conquer whatever has been holding you back from reaching your financial, social media, video marketing, and online branding goals.
Get immediate access to the full video recordings of my video master classes, and start getting the results that you truly desire for your online brand today!
Here’s what I cover in the four, video master classes:
Week 1: How To Build, Maintain, & Grow A Loyal Fan Base Through Social Media
In this video master class, we focus on marketing strategies for Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Learn how to reach your target audience on social media, and what type of content to share on social media to get the most engagement, and transform your fans and followers into paying customers.
Learn how to retain your customer base, and build an engaged online community, of loyal customers, and maximize your time on social media, in order to get the best return on your investment.
Learn how to reconnect with your online network and use the power of collaboration to connect with other brands to get more fans, followers, customers, and clients.
Week 2: How To Turn Your Content Into Cash
In this video master class, we focus on marketing strategies for Blogging and Videos.
Learn how to refine your content in order to grab the attention of new, potential clients and customers online.
Learn how to recapture the awareness of your fans and followers on social media, so that you can increase your engagement, and get more of your social media content seen by the right people, and shared over and over again.
Learn how to repurpose your content, and the various ways you can turn your content into cash!
Week 3: How To Re-Energize Your Online Marketing Strategy for Maximum Results
In this video master class we focus on how to build an attention-grabbing social media marketing strategy.
Learn how to reclaim your position and establish yourself as an authority in your field.
Learn how to reboot and infuse your mind, your body, and your marketing strategy with new energy, new life, and new ideas, to keep your online brand growing, and on track.
Learn how to recharge your marketing strategy to create excitement around your upcoming launches, classes, events, and new products and services.
Week 4 Realign, Reinvent, and Restructure: How To Prepare for and Infuse Significant Financial Growth Into Your Brand’s Bottom Line
In this video master class, I focus on how you can use your skills, expertise, and passion to create multiple income sources online, using social media and e-mail marketing.
Learn how to realign yourself to get back in tune with the type of lifestyle, career, or business you want to create. Then, you will learn how to build your online brand, and social media marketing strategy around that.
Learn how to reinvent your brand and reintroduce yourself to your current clients, customers, fans, and followers, in order to increase your income-earning and revenue-generating opportunities and sources.
Learn how to restructure your sources of income to create multiple streams of income, for your online brand.
I’m breaking it all down, in this final, video master class!

These video master classes are valued at $500, but you can get full access to all 4, live video master classes today, for only $397! Crazy, I know!
For my Action Takers, Sign up TODAY, and pay only $297!!!
When you sign up for my Online Branding Bootcamp, you will
get access to the replay of my recent video master class,
AND receive a FREE copy of my newest e-book!
(valued at $47)

In this video master class I’m breaking down:
– 7 Ways Dancers Can Make More Money Online.
– How To Use Your Knowledge and Experience As A Dancer, To Bring In Passive Income.
– How To Stop Only Making Money Per/Hour or Per/Gig, To Making Money Around The Clock (Yes, even when you’re asleep).
“Finance Your Dance 2.0 – A Mini-Crash Course in Social Media and Online Branding for Dancers” (valued at $49)!
Finance Your Dance 2.0
A Mini Crash Course in Online Branding, Social Media Marketing, and Digital Products for Dancers ($49)
Here’s what’s included in this e-book:

Don’t hesitate!
Sign up below to get access to these powerful, social media marketing, and branding video classes, and e-book today!
**Just be sure to Request To Join My Private Facebook Group HERE, specifically for this course, after you pay, to join our private community.**

I’ve been blessed to work with some of the top brands in the dance industry! Now I’m here to help you too!
Who is Ashani Mfuko?
These video master classes are valued at $500, but you can get full access to all 4, live video master classes for only $397! Crazy, I know!
For my Action Takers, Sign up TODAY, and pay only $297!!!
Don’t hesitate!
Click Sign Up below to get access to these powerful, social media marketing, and branding video classes today! Then go and tell a friend!
Have a question? E-mail me directly at ashani@ashanimfuko.com. I’m here for you! 🙂