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I have a personal story to share with you today, and if you’ve ever struggled to lose weight, or with your health/fitness, you may be able to relate.
I had a MAJOR struggle, the second time around, to lose the baby weight, after having my youngest daughter.
I’m sure that it was a combination of things that led to my difficulty with losing the baby weight:
1) I had a tough pregnancy so I wasn’t as active during it (I danced for the entire 9 months of my pregnancy with my first daughter.)
2) I gave birth 3 months early, and my daughter was in the NICU for 2 months, so there was a lot of emotional and mental stress that came along with that.
3) This time I had a newborn AND a toddler to take care of (both under the age of two at the time).
4) I kept working the whole time, and never took any maternity leave, the list goes on…
So even though I’m vegan, and lead a pretty healthy lifestyle, I still struggled to lose the baby weight. The truth is, I haven’t been dancing as much, over the past year, because I’ve been super busy doing work for major social media marketing clientele, working from home, and just being a mommy of two little ones. Hello stress! lol
Well, I reached a point, at the beginning of the summer, where I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, and decided that I needed to get some help, to get back on track with my health and fitness.
Thank God for social media! It was through social media that I met my health and fitness coach.
I started working out every day, for just 30 minutes a day, getting more intentional about my portion control, and drinking an awesome and healthy shake every day. My results were AMAZING!
Not only did I lose most of the baby weight, I got back on track with some VERY important aspects of my self-care, that I had neglected, while focusing on being mommy to my two little ones.
I’m drinking more water, and cutting out unnecessary calories (that hide in unexpected, seemingly “healthy” places).
I’m not even at my goal yet, but I am feeling more like myself again, and getting my strength and flexibility back as a dancer too!
I want to be a good example to my daughters, of what it means to love yourself, take care of your body, be fit, be strong, and live a healthy and happy life.
I thank God for connecting me with my coach, and I feel compelled to help others, who are facing similar challenges, or have similar goals as I did.
The most critical component to my success, was the accountability and support that I had from my coach. I literally would’ve thrown in the towel the first week, if it wasn’t for him.
I hope that I can encourage and motivate you to push forward to improve your health and fitness, starting today. Tomorrow often turns into never. “Someday” is not a day of the week!
LISTEN, You CANNOT take care of everybody else, if you are not FIRST taking care of yourself! And yes, you matter, and you’re worth it!
Tell me, do you have any health or fitness goals that I can help support you with? Let me know.
I’m starting a new fitness challenge group, for the month of November, and I’d love for you to join me on a journey, for ALL of us to improve our health, wellness, and fitness, in the best way possible: TOGETHER!!
You don’t need to try to do it alone, because it just doesn’t work. Support and accountability make ALL the difference!
If you want to chat with me more about this, type, “I’m Down!” in the comments below, or e-mail me at, ashanimfukodance@gmail.com, and I will send you the info to join my challenge group.
Please share this post with someone you know who is interested in improving their health and fitness, for themselves, or for their family.
Follow my new, health and fitness motivation account on Instagram, @AshaniMfukoFit. http://instagram.com/AshaniMfukoFit
Be blessed and thanks for reading!