But unfortunately, that won’t help bring about the positive changes we need in our country right now, so I would discourage you from giving into those feelings. Hard conversations around systemic racism, and how it shows up in politics, the media, in healthcare, and in American policing, need to be had, if we ever hope to bring about positive change in our society.
Why does it take death for people to pay attention to the daily horrors that are happening in our world?
Why is it that someone dying is the only thing that seems to get people’s attention?
why do People only get your attention when death is involved?
Those people didn’t just wake up one day, and make the decision to do the deplorable acts that they did at the Capitol, that led to people dying (that got your attention, didn’t it?), and also the second impeachment of President Trump.
America, it’s time to do better.
Christians in America, it’s time to face your greatest threat, head on, so that we can finally start making some progress, that actually honors God in this country, and that draws people to Christ, not forces them away.
Your greatest threat is: YOU!
“I deeply believe Christ calls us to unity and I want it. But calls to unity, without serious regard for what broke us to pieces, is like pouring fresh concrete over a collapsed bridge.” ~ Beth Moore, Author of “Chasing Vines”
My prayer every day is this:
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” ~ Psalm 19:14